Very beautiful
It was very beautiful, you should go and see it and read its stories. Inside the tomb there is a mosque, a chapel and a masjid. His grave is located here. Below, they make somuncu Baba’s bread. The fee was 5 TL on April 10, 2024.
Somuncu Baba is a Seyyid who lived during the reign of Yıldırım Beyazıt. He is known as the pole of the time in which he lived. He generally hid his spiritual identity, lived as an ordinary person, and earned his living as a baker.
Somuncu Baba’s real name is Hamid Hamidüddin-i Veli. He was born in Kayseri in 1331. He has been interested in science since his childhood. His first teacher is his father. As he grew up, he received education from important teachers in places such as Tabriz, Damascus, Khoy and Ardabil. It is accepted that he received education from the spirituality of Bayezid-i Bistami.
Somuncu Baba raised students wherever he was, without revealing his spiritual identity. He was in places such as Bursa, Kayseri, Aksaray and Darende and was engaged in education there. During his time in Aksaray, Hacı Bayram Veli, who was considered the spiritual owner of Ankara, was among his students.
Somuncu Baba, who came to Aksaray (Şehr-i Süleha) after returning from pilgrimage, continued his scientific and spiritual activities there until the end of his life, and died in Aksaray in 1412. Their grave is in the Ervah cemetery in Aksaray.
He baked loaves in the bread oven he had built next to his workshop in Bursa, and went from street to street distributing bread to people, shouting "loaves, believers". For this reason, Sheikh Hamid-i Veli was also known as "Somuncu Baba" and "Breadmaker Koca".
Somuncu Baba's secret is often seen as his spiritual depth, loyalty and passion for helping people. His life is considered a symbol of the transition from wealth to poverty, from worldly life to spirituality.
The Tomb Section of Somuncu Baba Complex is one of the historical monuments of the Yıldırım Beyazıt Khan period. The graves of His Holiness Sheikh Hamid-i Veli and his son Halil Taybî are located in this section.
Another caliph of Hâce Ali in Anatolia is Somuncu Baba (Hamîdüddin Aksarâyî), the mentor of Hacı Bayrâm-ı Velî, the master of the Bayramiyye sect.
It was very beautiful, you should go and see it and read its stories. Inside the tomb there is a mosque, a chapel and a masjid. His grave is located here. Below, they make somuncu Baba’s bread. The fee was 5 TL on April 10, 2024.
The museum is free, the diorama works are great. I think it is a must-visit place after visiting Somuncu Baba’s tomb. There are explanations at the beginning of each miniature, they must be read. There is interesting information.
Kutb’ul Evliya Şeyh Hamid-i Veli or known as Somuncu Baba Tomb. I recommend you to visit the Tomb of Somuncu Baba, the teacher of many holy names (Hacı Bayram Veli..), who is not as well known as them, and learn his ideas about this world and the afterlife. Here we also need to thank Aksaray Municipality. The tomb, mosque, museum, bakery and fountain are all sparkling clean.
I’ve never had this happen to me on my way here. The navigation took Somuncu not to his father’s side but to the corn fields on the opposite side. First, then on the road, the vehicle’s headlights turned off by themselves. I said he probably doesn’t want me to come. ✋😀 I went stubbornly. It was a mystical atmosphere. Since I was late, I only had the opportunity to pray from outside.
A mausoleum built for Somuncu Baba in Darende district of Malatya. There is a museum inside, and when you visit the museum you say wow, what did they use back then? They built a waterway and a small pool like Balıklıgöl in Urfa. However, you may go to the toilet, perform ablution and pray 2 rakats in the mosque, but there is no toilet in the area like the huge social complex. That’s why you have to walk all the way to the market. We decided to go inside to visit the grave and pray. There was a sign on the door saying “Dress appropriately”. Once we understand the headscarf, the officer asks us to wear a skirt over loose trousers. So, isn’t that appropriate for etiquette? Is it rude to wear trousers? This situation seemed ridiculous to me and I condemned it. There are sales points up ahead. They sell a small bread called Somuncubaba bread, which costs 10TL each, but it has something with cinnamon. Thank you for offering tea in the tea garden, courtesy of the complex. You can sit, relax and drink tea by the water. There are beautiful places further ahead for nature lovers.