Somuncu Baba is a Seyyid who lived during the reign of Yıldırım Beyazıt. He is known as the pole of the time in which he lived. He generally hid his spiritual identity, lived as an ordinary person, and earned his living as a baker.
Somuncu Baba’s real name is Hamid Hamidüddin-i Veli. He was born in Kayseri in 1331. He has been interested in science since his childhood. His first teacher is his father. As he grew up, he received education from important teachers in places such as Tabriz, Damascus, Khoy and Ardabil. It is accepted that he received education from the spirituality of Bayezid-i Bistami.
Somuncu Baba raised students wherever he was, without revealing his spiritual identity. He was in places such as Bursa, Kayseri, Aksaray and Darende and was engaged in education there. During his time in Aksaray, Hacı Bayram Veli, who was considered the spiritual owner of Ankara, was among his students.